
As a member you can shoot the outdoor course as much as you want anytime it is open. The course is open nearly 350 days a year during daylight hours. There are occasional closures for work parties or tournament events. Use the flat range after dark using the quarter fed lights. Attend club events like the Turkey and Christmas shoots where we have a potluck and play shooting games afterwards. Join us for our indoor league shooting, just for fun, the competition, or practice. Meet other Archers from the area. We have a good mix of families, competitive shooters, hunters, and Traditional shooters.

Non-members are welcome to use the flat-range or the walk-through for a $10 fee per shooter.  Please put $10 cash into the red box located by the front door of the clubhouse or pay using the PayPal link.  Or better yet, join Silver Arrow Bowmen!  

Members shoot for free on the flat range, the normal walk-through courses, indoor leagues and open shoots.  Members active for six months or more and providing 35 hours of club service are eligible for a key to the clubhouse for indoor range access on non-public days.


To join please fill out a membership application in-person at the clubhouse.

The form can be returned to the clubhouse either in the red payment box out front, mailed in or in-person at the monthly meeting (1st Monday of the Month).


  • Single: $75/year

  • Family: $100/year

  • Youth (12-17): $20/year

After July 1st of each year, that year’s membership dues are 1/2 price.

Family Memberships include immediate family, 18 and under living at home.

Active Duty, Retired Military and Disabled Veterans receive a 20% discount

Dues can be mailed in, dropped off at a business meeting, left at the pay station at the club, or paid via PayPal.

PayPal Address:

Mailing Address:
Silver Arrow Bowmen
PO Box 2056
Mount Vernon, WA 98273